Abhishek and Richa Jha live with their four-year-old child in their own house, in Noida. Both are employed and bring in a combined monthly income of Rs 2.67 lakh. Besides the self-occupied house, the couple has a plot of land and four other properties, two of which are jointly owned with Abhishek’s brother. These properties are worth Rs 1.94 crore, and Abhishek has taken five home loans, two with his brother. He is paying EMIs worth Rs 1.11 lakh for these loans. He also has a car worth Rs 12 lakh, for which he is paying an of Rs 19,243. The couple’s portfolio includes Rs 3.5 lakh of cash, Rs 22 lakh as debt in the form of (Rs 2 lakh), NPS (Rs 15 lakh) and fixed deposits (Rs 5 lakh). The equity component is worth Rs 6.4 lakh and is invested in mutual funds. Portfolio The couple’s goals include saving for emergencies, child’s education and wedding, and their own retirement. Financial Planner Pankaaj Maalde suggests they build the emergency corpus of Rs 6.9 lakh, which is equal to ...